Code and Tips Swipe Page

What, Why, Who for & WARNING!

To support our guiding value of #transparency and to create a legacy knowledgebase for our #MP scholars, we thought it wise to begin combining our many swipe pages, code clips, hotkey sheets, and tips into one combined database. This will grow and I imagine eventually include an easy way for others to add. But for now, baby steps ;).

WARNING: This body of knowledge is not actively kept up-to-date. We enjoy and encourage breaking things to learn, so use any code with that understanding. Please test before putting into any kind of production environment. We also can't provide help or support, so use at your own risk.

Related to specific tools

Markdown (Obsidian specific)

Click here
for the Obsidian help site.

How to modify #GB page elements with HTML and CSS

Video source credit: Peggy McCartha -
00:01:23 If using Chrome, Pasted image 20240305223042.png selecting this tool (shortcut is Ctrl + Shift + C ) will allow you to select an element on your page to inspect it.
00:01:54 You can modify the HTML/CSS elements column or the styles column.
00:02:36One helpful tip for beginners is that when clicking in the styles column to create a new style element, you'll notice that a tooltip dropdown of potential choices is displayed for you. If you don't know what a specific style element does, google it and test it out. If it doesn't work for you, remove it, but this is a fantastic way to learn. It's also helpful to take notes as you're going, so you can put things back or trace your footsteps if you get an undesired result. This is not for production environments, but I love to learn by breaking things. ;)

From here on out, the process is similar for other elements you'd like to change.

But here's another reminder... this is all off book, meaning that GoBrunch devs could make a change tomorrow and all your customizations are gone or not working the same. Have fun, but understand these are not GoBrunch supported operations.